Sunday, July 10, 2011

Don't miss out on this blog message!

Don't miss out on this blog message!

Keep The GIVE Somthing Back Movement - growing!

COPeNHAGeN Letters 

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 11:35 AM PDT
Celebrities are confident enough that "if" they become a celebrity (have to have that kind of confidence anyway...) they are going to make 8-9digits of fast & fascinating money. Many do! But what are the majority of them doing to GIVE BACK." 
Start your tweets / blogs / FB / LinkedIn & ask them what are you doing to GIVE BACK.

The GIVE BACK SOMETHING Movement is on started by "No Shame Sitting in the Front Row" on Yahoo Music - 7/05/2011!

Our youth need help; STEVE HARVEY can't do it alone! BEYONCE can't do it alone! 
Frank A. Bryant, CEO,, can't do it alone! (on Face Book - ck him!)
CartonG. Cartwright, CEO, can't do it alone!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Celeb: GIVE Something Back Movement is on!

The GIVE Something Back Movement is on! Twit/FB/blog ur fav celeb_time's up - GIVE Something Back!
STEVE HARVEY can't do it all. BEYONCE can't do it all!
Frank A. Bryant, CEO, can't do it all!
Carlton G. Cartwright, CEO,, can't do it all!

Started by No Shame Sitting in the Front Row on 7/05/11 @ YahooMusic!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The GIVE SOMETHING BACK Movement is on....

Celebrities are confident enough that "if" they become a celebrity (have to have that kind of confidence anyway...) they are going to make 8-9digits of fast & fascinating money. Many do! But what are the majority of them doing to GIVE BACK." 
Start your tweets, blogs, FB, LinkedIn & ask them what are you doing to GIVE BACK.

The GIVE BACK SOMETHING Movement is on started by "No Shame Sitting in the Front Row" on Yahoo Music - 7/05/2011!